Environment Policy
Pandect Limited is an engineering company specialising in the design, manufacture, testing and supply of slip rings, potentiometers and flight simulation equipment. The company considers its impact on the environment and takes its obligations very seriously. It is committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation as well as any requirements set out by our customers or other interested parties at the local, regional and national level, as a minimum performance, and to continually improve environmental performance through appropriate initiatives, controls, provision of resources and training of employees. The aim is to minimise adverse impacts on the environment of activities, products, and services.
An Integrated Management System (IMS) has been established that complies with the International Standard ISO 14001: 2015. This promotes a culture of environmental protection in all company systems and procedures, under the direction of the senior management team and with the support of all employees and supply chain partners.
Management objectives and targets are established and reviewed on a regular basis to implement the Environmental Policy. These are based on a commitment to eight environmental principles:
- Prevention of pollution
- Promoting product reuse, recycling and use of sustainable materials
- Minimise waste generation and apply responsible waste management and disposal techniques
- Minimise use of energy, materials, utilities
- Reduction of carbon-based emissions
- Substitution of hazardous and non-recyclable materials
- Maintaining high workforce awareness of environmental issues
- Involving suppliers, subcontractors, customers and other interested parties in environmental initiatives
The effectiveness of the IMS is monitored and maintained by regular Internal Audits and Management Review. The context of the business is used for setting targets and objectives to ensure continual improvement. This Environmental Policy is communicated to all employees and made available to the public on request. The company through effective communication procedures encourages the involvement of its workforce and external interested and affected parties in its Environmental Policy.
We were awarded ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management certification on 3rd November 2020.
Environmental Case Study:
Pandect supplies volumes of this custom-designed slip ring assembly to Thales, one of our Tier 1 customers, in these re-usable, custom-designed, plastic trays. These trays provide very good support to the units between Pandect and Thales.
On their receipt of the slip ring assembles Thales returns the trays to Pandect so that we may re-use them many times with Thales.
There are three benefits of this co-operative process: Energy and raw materials are not expended in the production of unnecessary quantities of plastic trays, the environment does not end up being polluted by used plastic trays and the cost of manufacturing unnecessary trays is avoided.